Please welcome my very good, and long-time friend Sam to Wut Javia! Sam represents my 15th (6.7%) follower.
I receive many invitations from Google, Blue Host (site host), and Word Press to subscribe to premium services in hopes of growing my follower base and business site. I often chuckle at how they have no idea why I created Wut Javia in the first place, and how happy I am to have 15 followers!
So I am pleased to see my minimal follower list growing. It gives me incentive to keep sharing my thoughts, musings, etc. I also invite all of my followers to share the Wut Javia link if you enjoy what you read here. Maybe I can eventually double my readership – all the way up to 30!
Sam, thanks for coming aboard. Stay tuned for new and hopefully exciting/interesting posts in the near future. Bruce, yes, I know what the first letters spell. Hope you all have a great weekend.
Thanks Keith! It’s amazing to me sometimes one gets philosophical while starting on the downhill slope!
But I think those who have been around me over the years would say I have always been. The difference is finding my voice to express my thoughts and feelings. That, too, may be philosophical 🙂
How fun to have another voice to share with!!! Thanks Brooke.
Hiya Keith! Random thoughts as I watch our 3 year old granddaughter and across your site: I love my Alvarez (my playing, however, is way below its capabilities), I miss The Mill—early dates there with my now wife, great music and pizza, I do relate with many of your comments, my hair has also whitened and migrated south from my head to my face, good for you on actually having a website (mine has been ‘under construction’ for ages). Cheers from subscriber #16!
So good to see/hear from you Brooke. I look forward to sharing our journeys together!