Pun Intended
Looking at pictures of Pam and me, in the house and in digital format, I realized that we are touching in nearly every picture. I’ve been holding on to this idea for the right time. I think it’s now. I hope you find them touching also.
I love this picture because, as with several others taken on our wedding day, I was looking at my lovely bride rather than the camera. Sorry for the poor quality. It has probably been scanned more than once.

I think we were living in Aurora IL at the time this pic was taken. Tom invited us to meet them somewhere North of the Quad Cities. A beautiful place. He used to take his kids fishing there, I believe. But notice how we are sitting. One hand waving, the other resting on my leg. Ah. Young(ish) and in love!

On the Chicago River in a tour boat waiting to depart. Don’t we look cool! I think that is the Wrigley building in the background. This was a farewell visit to Kara and Chris before they left for a work assignment in the UK. Unfortunately, we never got the tour. The engine wouldn’t start and there were no backup boats available. But it was a fun time and, as usual, we also enjoyed being together.

I just keep thinking this was taken at The OP (Other Place) in Clear Lake, probably around the year 2000. We were happy. Shows, doesn’t it.

Christmas at our Mason City house. Definitely still feeling like newlyweds!

It may be hard to tell if we had our arms around each other for this pic, but I’m making the assumption. I consider this a record of the pinnacle of Pam’ career. When we moved to Mason City from Aurora so I could teach at NIACC, Pam got the Executive Officer position at the Greater Mason City Board of Realtors(R). Mike Romig was president of the board at that time. A few years later, Mike was nominated and was elected to be President of the Iowa Association of Realtors(R). This made the local association responsible for the annual inauguration gala in West Des Moines. As EO for the association, it fell upon Pam to coordinate the event. Of course, it went off without a hitch. And, of course, Pam planned and stressed, and coordinated and stressed, and detailed and stressed. You get the picture (no pun intended).

This picture was taken in the hotel ballroom. I had just surprised Pam with the necklace as we prepared to come down to the gala. I was so proud of her!
From Our Travels
Yep. Still close! I think I’ve shared this pic before. It was taken in the upper room of a converted barn restaurant in Grant Wood country.

Speaking of Grant Wood… Okay. It’s not us touching, but Pam is holding the farmer’s arm. That has to count for something. I’m pretty sure this was actually taken during a different trip than the one to the barn. The American Gothic House is well South of the barn.

Stone City General Store Pub is such a fun atmosphere with good food and a majestic setting along the Wapsipinicon River in Eastern Iowa. Pam and I went there on multiple occasions as it was a peaceful, picturesque drive easily fit into a day trip. Still glued at the hip. The years only strengthened our bond.

One of my all-time favorites! Taken just a few years ago this picture epitomizes the long-lasting love Pam and I shared, even as some PD symptoms emerged. Holding hands. Looking into each other’s eyes. Smiling lovingly.

I loved life with Pam. We enjoyed our life together. We loved being with each other. What could be better?!
But I certainly was not the only recipient of Pam’s touching love. Please allow this great pic of Pam and daughter Kelley to represent the love she had for all of her family; never shy to hug nor demonstrate her love and care, be it with cards, food, smiles, or just by listening.
Arm in arm. It was a good day.

Touching pictures. They mean so much, and demonstrate so much. It is nice to be in touch with good memories. May I say, again, how much I love Pam and miss her?