The Complaint:
To say that I am susceptible to road rage is an overstatement. Or it is an understatement. It might depend on the day and my mood. It also depends on how many STUPID drivers I perceive on the highways and byways. Either way, I am frustrated by those who ignore simple common courtesies or are just totally inept at driving.
I’ve talked about my pet peeve of not using turn signals. Recently, I have twice been behind drivers whose vehicles turned left across a boulevard median. The rear end of their vehicles stuck out into traffic while waiting. There was ample room to fit them clear of both traffic directions. Really?!
Other frustrations include these dangerous and/or maddening things. Driving far slower than the flow of traffic and well below the posted speed limit. Driving way faster than the flow of traffic and well above the posted speed limit. The latter yahoos often change lanes directly in front of the cars they pass. Of course without engaging that long-armed toggle situated on the steering column either right or left of the steering wheel. Yep – the turn signal! Then there are also those who choose to drive in the leftmost lane until within braking distance of a right turn or exit. Often without signally, they swoop across traffic disrupting the flow, and the concentration of other drivers.
Among the most egregious lapses in judgment is causing damage to one’s vehicle in a parking lot. It is inconsiderate and irresponsible to then just walk or drive away! I have a one inch roundish ding in the right rear panel of my otherwise pristine Honda as an example.
I’m not sure what people think when they do such things. Accidents are bound to happen. Things break. Spills – spill. Wind catches a car door before one can properly grab it. Or the wind is just too strong. I get it. It’s what a person does when accidents happen that reveals their character. Pick up the pieces of glass from the floor. Offer to buy a replacement. Vacuum the carpet. Soak up the spill. Apologize at least! Certainly don’t walk away from an accident of any kind!
The Hope:
Thursday evening we met another couple at John and Nick’s Steak and Prime Rib. I’ve been there twice. I had the prime rib the first time. It was excellent! Thursday night’s special was a 40 oz Tomahawk Ribeye. I chose a crab-stuffed Tilapia. It, too, was excellent.
Well, anyway (shout out to Glenda 🙂 ), returning to my car on the slick sidewalk and still partially covered parking lot, I found a handwritten note tucked into the driver’s door handle.
I’m so sorry – When backing up, I started to slide and tapped the back of your car. My husband is home with the sick baby right now or I would try to come find you inside. Please let me know if any damage. Rachel J******* xxx-xxx-xxxx

Oh crap! Run (carefully in the slush) around to the back of the car. Can’t see anything. Check the driver’s side. Still nothing. Then I decided it was too dark to see. I’d have to look in the morning. Then I got into the car. And started to cry!
I said to Cathy, “I am so overwhelmed that someone actually took responsibility. I don’t think I can ask her to pay even if there is damage!”
All the memories of rocks thrown by others’ tires. The scratches and dents left by others in my many vehicles through the years. All angst and frustration melted away. The knowledge that this young woman took the time. She made the effort in the cold. She had the decency to take responsibility for her actions.
I’ve owned my problem with other drivers. I try hard to avoid it. Yet, I still swear and yell at them for the stupid (at least in my view) ways they try to drive. Now I have more reason to work on my attitude deficiency. Thank you, Rachel, for giving me reason to reevaluate myself. For giving me a renewed hope.
By the way. The only sign of the “tap” was some road grime and salt from the winter weather rubbed off. No harm, no foul. Yet Rachel made a difference. I will be texting her with a message of thanks and a link to this post. She deserves an answer.