Dropping Out Of The Race!

I’m announcing here that I am suspending my candidacy for President of the United States of America and endorsing Kamala Harris for President.

Well, the first part is a joke. The second is not. I had no doubt about the ticket heading into the convention. I guess I couldn’t have less doubt now, but I have gained enthusiasm from it. More later.

Completing the final stages of my move. Too much work, not enough time – to write a post. Next week should be less hectic. I hope to make the next post worth your while.

“Real Men Love Babies”

So says a billboard somewhere on the back highways of Alabama.

Its intended purpose is to persuade men to vote against women’s right to choose, against any abortion. It is indicative of a Southern religious mentality that pits the right wing, freedom from government control of their lives groups, against other’s views of freedom being about letting people make their own personal decisions.

Our society is based on a set of laws that is meant to ensure that all persons are treated equally, that we steer clear of laws that limit government control while providing for the safety and welfare of everyone within our borders.

Hang on, hang on, hang on.” So said Eric Clapton during an Unplugged performance of Alberta on M-TV many years ago. I recognize that I am in no way knowledgeable enough nor qualified to write about this subject. I can only try to communicate how I feel and how such expressions, i.e. billboards, affect and affront me.

I am pro-life AND pro-choice. Of course I/we want people to have children. It is not only wonderful, but innate for our survival as a species. But I cannot fathom being forced to carry something growing in me that I neither meant to cause nor want! If it were men who had to carry a fetus in the womb, I think they’d be singing a different song.

But what I simply cannot understand is how the very people who want less government control of their property, their money, their “freedoms” are the same people who want to control others’ bodies and thoughts because a god, or any other socio-religious entity says it’s the only true and right way! The same people who truly believe that some humans are more human than others, or less so, think that the only sustainable race profile is white, Christian!

As I read what I am writing I know that I have now gone off the diving board into the deep end of opinion at the risk of upsetting those I have tried so hard not to. All in hopes that you “like” what you read. I feel bad if that’s how you feel. I respect it. I understand if you think you must divorce yourself from this blog. But I do not apologize!

Maybe next week I’ll get back to the wading pool with warm fuzzy topics like travel or music, family and friends. But not today. Today I am taking a stand (or a dive, not to mix metaphors)!

Hmmm… What to Write?!

“I guess this probably qualifies for meaningful and thought-provoking ;-)”

Not even my backlog list of topics yields a subject to write about. I’ve even been toying with the concept of writer’s block. But that’s not the sole reason for the lack of a post last week. I was gone for three days during the week and spent two days prior preparing for the trip.

I do enjoy writing this blog and appreciate the positive Likes and Comments. They give me courage to continue. But I also feel a commitment to meet my self-imposed deadlines and to write content that is meaningful and though-provoking. I’m not sure this qualifies. But maybe…

I continue to hold back. Yes, I have dabbled around the surface of controversial topics. But I am afraid of scaring off some readers. I can also admit that I am fearful of reprisals. Not so much from those who follow the blog. More from any entity that may interlope into this site. What a condition of current culture, that we have to tread so carefully.

No. Damn it! Not this time.

My son and I were discussing politics while camping with his family at Maquoketa Caves State Park a week ago. It is not typical to have internet access or cell service away from cities and towns. Yet we did, and our phones buzzed and lit with the news of Tridiot’s convictions. The discussion evolved to what ifs.

It was then that I verbalized that I might take a stand against an authoritarian regime if he manages to get elected. I/we simply cannot allow a faction of bullies who want to roll back time and eliminate social and political freedoms for any one or group who does not agree with them to do so – by brute force!

I am scared just to say it and write it. But I am at a stage in life where I have less to lose by waging the battle (figuratively speaking). Future generations are at stake. History does repeat itself. The parallels in political design to those of Germany in the 1930’s are clear. Today I was reminded how the Nazi takeover was not with a coup in one fell swoop. Hitler came to power legally, by election. Then he installed his henchmen in positions of power and dismantled the government to execute his malevolent plan.

I’m not sure what form my resistance would take. I am frightened just to consider. Better, though, would be to make sure that Tridiot and his henchmen do not come to power. So, I will battle my fears of reprisal and work toward that end. Please join me in this effort.

I guess this probably qualifies for meaningful and thought-provoking 😉