What Can’t We Do?

Fire was used beginning approximately two million years ago and was in constant habitual use by about 400,000 years ago. The discovery and use of fire by Homo erectus is tied to the evolution of the human species and helped propel human civilizations from the Stone Age into the Bronze Age.


No one knows for sure when language evolved, but fossil and genetic data suggest that humanity can probably trace its ancestry back to populations of anatomically modern Homo sapiens (people who would have looked like you and me) who lived around 150,000 to 200,000 years ago in eastern or perhaps southern Africa [4,5,6]. Because all human groups have language, language itself, or at least the capacity for it, is probably at least 150,000 to 200,000 years old. This conclusion is backed up by evidence of abstract and symbolic behaviour in these early modern humans, taking the form of engravings on red-ochre [78].

BMC Biology

Agricultural communities developed approximately 10,000 years ago when humans began to domesticate plants and animals. By establishing domesticity, families and larger groups were able to build communities and transition from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle dependent on foraging and hunting for survival.

National Geographic

There is some evidence of human worked metal from as much as 6000 BC but not firmly dated and clearly a “tool”. Simple copper tools were probably made as early as 4200 BC. Only rarely were identifiable harder tools made from meteorites, dated to 3200 BC.


The wheel was invented in the 4th millennium BC in Lower Mesopotamia(modern-​​day Iraq), where the Sumerian people inserted rotating axles into solid discs of wood. It was only in 2000 BC that the discs began to be hollowed out to make a lighter wheel. This innovation led to major advances in two main areas.


As early as the third century BCE, they were using crucibles to smelt wrought iron with charcoal to produce ‘wootz’ steel – a material that is still admired today for its quality. Chinese craftsmen were also manufacturing high-quality steel.

The Steel Story – woodsteel.org

I could go on and on. Development of the calendar, mathematics, astronomy, the scientific revolution, the industrial revolution, technology and the digital age. But this isn’t meant to be a history lesson on the development of humankind. Rather, I had hoped to keep it simple. Mankind has learned or made progress in a multitude of advances that keep us at the top of the evolutionary ladder. It seems there is nothing we cannot do – except live together in peace!

However, as I pondered this further, maybe it isn’t so simple. Or maybe it can all be rolled up into that one thing we have made no apparent progress. We have developed the ways and means to feed the world. But we don’t. We have cured many diseases and found ways to mitigate the effects of many more. Yet we don’t make the cures and treatments available to all. Shelter, clothing, water, space, all are basic human needs. And we don’t think it necessary to provide them.

I believe in capitalism. But greed is antithetical to living together without hatred for those who have, by those who do not. History also tells us that, as our world sets obstacles in the way of survival, humans’ survival instinct, the one that got us to the top of the ladder, turns further inward, toward or against each other.

We dominate every living thing on this earth. We have mostly mastered every inert object on and within it as well. We are even trying to dominate our atmosphere and environment. Based on our past successes, we may just be able to do it.

Yet it begs the question. With all our abilities to reason, communicate, manipulate, master all that is set before us, why can’t we figure out how to use them to benefit all humankind, not to mention every other living thing? From what I have seen in my short lifespan, we have made little, if any, progress.

It’s not that some don’t try. But when push comes to shove, the shoving is done by those who believe that the only way to survive is to control or eliminate everyone else who is either different, in need, or unable to provide for themselves. It seems that it is true that history, particularly human history, is doomed to repeat itself. I wish I had some answers.

With so many physical, environmental, health, and political challenges facing us and our posterity, it is easy to be discouraged or cynical about our future. But you and I do have a say as whether we destroy each other and our planet. This is my say! There may be dark days ahead. No doubt there will be natural obstacles to challenge our survival. We can choose to help as many as possible, or just a chosen few. What will I do? What will you do?

In the not-so-eloquent words of my wife on her death bed, “This [too] is bullshit!”