Lighthearted – NOT

Every week I think I want to write about something fun or funny. But by the time I get to developing a title and topic, I am conveying serious thoughts and feelings. I should not be surprised, and people remind me, I have had a lot of serious stuff happening in my life since I first published Wut Javia.

I am not a fan of most comedy – with exceptions: Charlie Chaplin, Big Bang Theory, and some Rom Coms. Just this week I was discussing Keeping the Faith with my brother-in-law. Love the movie. Even though I’m not a fan of Ben Stiller, I did like him in that movie. I am a fan of the work of Edward Norton. And I think I might have fallen in love with Jenna Elfman after watching the move. There are other enjoyable lighthearted films, of course. But I watch fewer and less often now without Pam to share them with.

It comes down to just not being a lighthearted person. Though I laugh and make jokes, and enjoy humorous banter, etc., I am a serious person by nature. As I’ve been told. What I realized while contemplating this post is that being serious does not equate with being unhappy. And, if I’m serious and project that seriousness in my demeanor, then I need to be aware that others may have the same or similar traits. Can’t judge a book by its cover, so they say.

On the other hand, no one is happy all of the time. My Mother has projected a happy-go-lucky disposition most of my life. Few times, mostly when grieving the passing of someone close, has she cried, pouted, lashed out in anger (I don’t think I’ve ever seen that), or expressed dislike for others. I think the reasons are two-fold. First, and foremost, she always wants others to be happy, feel better, and also to like her. Second, Mom doesn’t want others to concern themselves with her problems, be they physical or emotional. That would lessen the effect of the first – having others be happy.

I have not had this compunction. I wear my emotions on my sleeve, especially when they are negative, such as sadness, physical discomfort, frustration, anger. Consequently, I am viewed as serious, if not downright grumpy. At one point in my corporate career I was nicknamed Eeyore because whenever someone asked me how I was I would answer “okay” or “I’m alright”, with that down-in-the-mouth mannerism Eeyore expressed.

One thing I am confident of. Regardless of whether you have a lighthearted or heavier disposition, nearly everyone experiences the full range of emotions, has the same fears and frustrations, just maybe to different degrees. So I hope you won’t judge me too harshly for being lighthearted-NOT when you read these posts. I hope that I can do the same for you and everyone with whom I interact.

“By the way” (nod to JJ) …

Did you hear the one about the truck driver and his pet bear? Well, maybe another time when I am feeling more lighthearted 🙂

2 thoughts on “Lighthearted – NOT”

  1. I hope you are aware of how talented you are- even if lightheartedness is not one of your traits! However, you do have quite an ironic sense of humor! As always, enjoyed reading your blog!

  2. Okay. Don’t forget to tell us about the bear. I feel like I am watching an episode of Alaska Daily and I can’t wait to find out…(In case your comment readers haven’t seen that episode)

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