
Tomorrow, I will fulfill a commitment I made a year ago to prepare my music and play in public, when I perform up to 24 original songs at the church where Pam and I met and married. I didn’t realize at the time, about a month after she died, that following through on a dream of performing publicly while traveling around Iowa and beyond, would become such an important part of my grief journey.

Pam and I loved to drive the back roads to towns and eating establishments. We hoped it would be a significant aspect of our retirement. Fun travels. And I would ask hosts and barkeeps if I might sit in a corner and play. With Pam’s passing, I decided to keep the dream alive.

I’ve been working/playing nearly every day for a year leading up to this point. Tomorrow is my debut. I’m not sure where I go from here, but I’m working on new goals like recording the rest of my current play list, as well as polishing another group of songs that have been on a back burner for years. Playing at open mics will help keep sharp what I have been working so hard to develop.

Attempting to share more of me through my music, I have updated my Songs page to include all of the songs from Catching Up on Life, recorded in 2013. Hopefully, that page will grow significantly over the next few weeks/months as I record more of my current repertoire.

This is a bittersweet occasion. So many memories, hopes, emotions, challenges, and now, fulfilment. My love, Pam, made this all possible. She listened (probably more than she wanted). She encouraged. She dreamed along with me. She allowed me to be me. Even in death Pam’s love for me, and mine for her, helped me get through the roughest times and begin to create a future for me, without her. A future that still includes her through memories and songs. Songs of love and affection about and to her.

I will play on. For Pam. For me. To share with all of you who might listen. I am humbled and hopeful.

6 thoughts on “Debut”

  1. Wonderful job today Keith! We would have thought you had been playing for other people forever. You are more than ready for the road, and I am serious – Nashville. You already have such a wide array of songs. Wow!!! We will be able to say we heard your first “concert”.

    1. Thank you, Linda, for staying to listen and for your kindness and support. I am so happy to have played first at Galilean. I could not have had a more inviting nor comfortable venue. But Nashville is probably a ways off 🙂

    1. Thank you, Cynthia. The event went well. I think my songs were well received. I enjoy the sharing.

  2. I just wish I could be there with you. Even though I’ve heard your songs many times, I never get tired of them! Good luck!!!

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