Coffee Cat

Long before my Mill debut (see my “What is Wut Javia?” post), I played my first gig at Coffee Cat in Mason City (MC)  IA. It was while living in MC that my musical awakening began.

I knew Cathy from her student days at NIACC. She opened the coffee house after taking the entrepreneurial program there. Cathy sold Coffee Cat a few years ago after getting a master’s degree in psychology (I think).

Part of her marketing strategy was to host live music by local and up-and-coming artists on Friday nights. Somewhere along the line I saw that a guy named Michael Whisler would be playing a session on Friday night. He was billed as playing 12-string guitar just like Leo Kottke! Kottke has a unique 12-string style using various open tunings to assist his mastery of finger picking and range up and down the fret board!

My wife and I went to listen. I was amazed. Not only did he play Kottke songs flawlessly, his original compositions maintained the same level of complexity and melody. Even his vocals were similar in style to Kottke’s. We stayed for the entire evening. I was so excited and started thinking of preparing to play a set sometime in the future.

We were chatting with Cat while Michael was tearing down his equipment. When I asked him where he was going, he said he was headed home (North Dakota); that he would drive for a while, sleep in the car, and finish tomorrow. I looked at Pam, she nodded, and I asked Michael if he would stay the night with us, offering a meal and a bed. I helped him finish packing up and he followed us home.

After he inhaled leftover smoked ribs and fixings, we went to my office, took out the axes (guitars), and started to jam. Pam went to bed and the next thing I knew it was 2:30 a.m. That was the night I decided to learn how to finger pick my guitar – a huge development after 30 years of strumming!

Now I had a goal! I’d built a repertoire of songs and began to earnestly practice. I recorded my first album Catching Up on Life (at home on simple equipment) and booked a date. I invited a few friends (Cat likes that!) to ensure I wasn’t playing to an empty room – ready to play.

To my surprise, Coffee Cat was full. To my greater surprise, people stayed after I started playing. What a rush! I played for two hours with songs from my album, some of my unpublished songs, and a few songs by those who inspired me including Bob Dylan, (Baby Let Me Follow Down) which he learned from Eric Von Schmidt, Cat Stevens (Where do the Children Play), and Simon and Garfunkel (Only Living Boy in New York).

I had a great time. The positive responses and feedback I received from those who were at Coffee Cat that night, inspired me to continue writing and playing my music. I have enough new songs for a new album + and hope to add more. Eventually, I’ll publish Catching Up on Life on this site. I’ve already posted a couple songs on the Songs page.

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