Angles…Change Perspective

I ran across a graphic showing different ways of looking at the same object from alterative angles, changing perspective. More on that later.

It reminded me of some angles I have changed over the last several months. Last summer as I was coming out of the shower, I accidentally hit the wall hanging above the towel bar when I reached for the towel. After finishing up, I went back to reposition the artwork and realized I liked the different look. But how could I allow this change? Would it not cause angst, boldly altering how Pam and I had decorated our space together? After all, we so enjoyed shopping and accessorizing.

But the fact was I liked the new look. The inner conflict pressed upon me. Ultimately, I decided that it was okay to change some little things. Who knows? Maybe Pam would have liked the new look. I wish we could have decided together!

On a whim, I changed the angle of the dining room table and chairs. Pam and I always stressed over how to position this set due to where the electrician placed the overhead light in the ceiling. Our sense of order was disturbed whether we situated it with the length or width toward the large dining room window. If we centered the table under the light, it impeded our egress through the space. Such problems, further exacerbated as it became more difficult for Pam to navigate, especially when she required the use of a walker.

But I am no longer encumbered by these issues. And after contemplating changes in angles and how they affect perspective, I decided to try an angled setting. Yes, I do have the table centered under the light fixture. Some sensibilities should not be altered unless necessary. I’m not sure how long this will last. It does affect how I view both the indoor and outdoor space.

But somehow the change signifies a sense of moving forward with my life; a life forced upon me, not of my choosing!

What are my new angles? How has my overall perspective changed? I’m still working that out. But my eyes are open to where they will lead. I can only hope that I can discern the truth in angles and perspectives. Go where these truths lead.

Which brings me to the impetus for considering angles and perspective and how different views affect decisions. What is true? What is truth? Does changing the angle that we view things, the perspective, change the truth?

It seems easier to think about the world as black and white (a metaphor I don’t like), yes or no, good or bad, the world is flat. Decisions are easy. Not only does this kind of view make living together on this earth more difficult, it’s not even close to the truth. Science has long proved that we live in at least three dimensions and, in reality, there may be more (time is often considered a dimension).

Changing angles does change our perspective. Learning different points of view increases our realization of truth. Unfortunately, “we” don’t necessarily like the truth we find. But that doesn’t change what is true. I wonder if we can ever get to the point where we are comfortable enough with what is true to live together peaceably and happily with the truth.

Truth Perspective Graphic Link

Truth Perspective YouTube link

2 thoughts on “Angles…Change Perspective”

  1. 1. I realized that I am really starting to look forward to reading your blogs every Saturday, similar to doing Wordle every morning, but also different.

    2. This could easily be found in an article written in a newspaper; it is so professional!

    3. Very thought-provoking!

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